Friday, August 21, 2009

The blue buscapade

I went with Dr. Paul and Ileana after work to their house for a quick bite ... glahp and rice Doc called it. It was good glahp at that too :). I then walked with them, little Robert, and the guitar up to the pastry shop about a mile away. They had a treat and I watched. It was starting to threaten darkness within the hour, so I thought I'd be brave and take the little blue bus. It cost me 5 birr to get to Mexico square and then I thought I'd be really creative and say "Edna Mall" to the bus jockeys until one of them said get in ...

The adventure deteriorated from there and I was on a bus that was on its way to Bole road, except I did not see anything familiar. I was on the bus for 30 minutes and it finally stopped and one of the passengers told me it was the end of the line. Still no Edna mall ... I got another bus where the jockey said he was going to Edna; when we passed Dembel mall, I knew I was on Bole but not quite sure where. A woman on the bus took pity on ferenge and told me to take a cab. I got home for 30 birr and learned a lesson about the blue bus at night ... don't. Taking the bus to Paul's is easy. I go to Sarbit then walk for 10 minutes from there; piece of cake for 5 birr.

My modified plan for coming home is to bus it to Mexico then take a cab from there. I will find out from Doc Ferenge the "proper" cab fare from Mexico to my guest house which I believe will be about 30 birr. In the morning I am going to Paul's for pancakes and not sure what after that. I put strings on the guitar and it sounds great. I made up a chord chart for Tagel which he will practice on our journey this Sunday as per a previous post. The Ileana flag today is green ...


Ben J. Abbey said...

What's Tengle, and why do you keep calling yourself a Ferengi?

Sandy said...

I'm confused too. Who is Doc Ferenge. It's like you're writing this book and I'm getting mixed up with some of the characters. Speaking of malls do ya miss Bayshore or what??? Off to Pauls for pancakes - so now I see where the maple syrup comes in SB. So glad you have a guitar. I miss all my fav tunes - Dr. Woo, Who Loves You Pretty Baby etc etc etc. xoxo