Friday, August 14, 2009

The excitement builds

I spoke with some people at the breakfast table today about Addis. I was told about Friendship mall where there is, lo and behold, supposed to be a music store. I am too excited. I also got the name of at least one western music club called Vibations. I cannot wait to have 2 days to myself over the W/E. Andy.... Zzzzzz. Steven, here's the deal. If I do get lucky and find a guitar, we are going to do Skypajam'. Please start practicing the following: Em7 A7 (x2) Cmaj7 Bm Fmaj7 Bm Look up the major seventh chords on the internet. Benita, as you mentioned in one of your posts, thank-you for being such an influence on my wife. DeeTee, calling my Sweet Thing was nice. I will be spending most of the W/E trying to figure out how to say Sweet Thing in Amharic. Paddy and Sean ... I am not having much luck with the stuff.


David Teplow said...

It was good to check in w/Sweet Thing. She's so lovely!!! I just wanted her to know that she's still loved - even though it's from afar.

Sandy said...

Thanks David You are the best. Cant wait to hear about you wk end adventures - a music store way too cool. Maybe you will find an ethiopian string instrument worth learning. I love my Sweet Boy