Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trivia and then some re:Africa

So you have heard me go on and on and on about Ethiopia for the past 7 weeks. It's now time to see how much we have learned :) [all numbers are US dollars]

Bus fare in NYC - 2.25 ... in Addis Abeba - 4 cents

Bowl of pasta with 2 bottles of beer in NYC - 20.00 ... in Addis Abeba - 5.00

Chinese dinner for 4 in NYC - 110.00 ... in Addis Abeba - 15.00

Bottle of fizzy water with dinner in NYC - 5.95 ... in Addis Abeba - 90 cents

Private tennis lesson for 1 hour in NYC - 110.00 ... in Addis Abeba - 5.00

Pay phone in NYC - 25 cents ... in Addis Abeba - 2 cents

Small all-dressed pizza in NYC restaurant - 16.95 ... in Addis Abeba 4.25

Small latte at Starbucks in NYC - 2.95 ... in Addis Abeba 8 cents

Now for the African PhD test ... anyone can Google the answers, but try it on your own before looking on the web ...

1: There are 53 countries in Africa. How many can you name?

2: Five African countries border the Mediterranean. Can you name 3 of them?

3: What African country is on its own island?

4: Other than South Africa, name 2 of the 4 most southern countries in Africa.

5: What country is the USA's 44th president "from", even though he was born in Hawaii?

6: The names "Rob" and "Robert" share the same root ... "Rob". Two African countries, which border on one another, use the same root for their name; one of these countries tacks the letters "ia" on the end of its name. What are these two countries?

7: What southern Afican country was mentioned in the title of a song that Bob Dylan recorded on his Desire album?

8: The famous 1976 raid on Entebbe took place in what country in Africa?

9: Match up the following countries with their previous names (the matches below are/may be wrong):

   Ethiopia ==> Rhodesia
   Zambia ==> Abyssinia
   Chad ==> Rhodesia
   Zimbabwe ==> Upper Volta
   Burkina Faso ==> Tanganyika and Zanzibar
   Tanzania ==> French Equatorial Africa

10: In 1960, led by Patrice Lumumba, the Congo declared independence from what country?


Sandy said...

SB - this is a hard test - just give us the answers please....How much are condos there btw?

Shauna said...

Mike tells me I can leave messages so I am trying again!

Shauna said...

OMG, it worked! It's handy having an It guy around sometimes!
I agree with Sandy, help us out a little please!

Shauna said...

Now that I can comment I was looking fro a new post Mr Abbey!