Friday, September 4, 2009

Yet another golden opportunity

Alongside my contact at the Ministry, I am in the midst of making plans to go to Istanbul for 3 days, leaving a week Monday. The BRIM development environment that is being used here for the system I am auditing is written and maintained in Istanbul Turkey. With a few others, we would sit with the developers in Istanbul and become more familiar with the BRIM engine. A stamp of approval on the engine from the Ministry personnel would be beneficial for all.

The old cliché "when it rains it pours" is so applicable here, except in a good way. Not only does he get to go to Ethiopia and Kenya, but Turkey as well. I am told there is a spot in Istanbul that demarcates the continental divide between Europe and Asia. I have never been in 2 continents at the same time but that is about to change.


Sandy said...

Istanbul - way too cool

Ben J. Abbey said...

And here I always through Geckshi was another continent.