Monday, October 19, 2009

Back in business

All the stuff I brought over to Addis for Dr. Paul has paid off. I got my new Casio Exilim camera gratis. It was a busy day at work but OK. We went Chinese for lunch which worked for me. Dr. Paul was not feeling 100% and wanted to leave work early. I convinced the others to do the same so I was home by 5PM. What a treat and the traffic is so much less earlier than later.

I had dinner with Bill, a guy in the guest house. We went to Rodeo Addis, a supposed tex mex joint that he had been to before. The only thing tex mex about the place was the cowboy hats worn by the staff. I had a steak sandwich with fries (2 food groups ... red and yellow) then we cabbed it back to the guest house. I am pumped about having a camera again and will try to get a shot of me in

1) a white sports jacket
2) a HUGELY bright orange dress shirt
3) a white tie
4) black pants
5) Pink Floyd DSOTM running shoes

Running shoes are the most comfortable with my foot in a tensor bandage. As I collect pictures from Tagel for our trips to Weliso and Awassa I will get some stuff up to Facebook.


Ben J. Abbey said...

What colour is the Ileana flag?

Michael S. Abbey said...

The flag is yellowish orange.