Monday, October 26, 2009

Poor timing, but WTF?

So here we are 6 days away from the safari, and ferenge has a cast on his left foot and is walking with crutches. Only for 4 weeks too :) I went to Yordanos for my regular appointment  today at 2PM. The technician Friday mentioned I would see the doctor today as well which I did. He was not happy with the way the foot was healing (or in this case not healing). He ordered the cast and I managed to score some crutches to rent for 150 birr for however long I need them. Usually the plaster team in emergency puts on casts, but the doctor did mine and one other person's arm.

What poor timing but, heh, what can I do? I spoke to Ato Taye who owns the guest house, and he spoke to the woman that works days here. I am going to get up in the AM and get dressed, then she is going to assist "getting stuff ready for work". As well, she will be staying for all the time required Friday after work (she gets off at 6:30 PM) and help me pack for my trip. I have notified both the safari company and the hotel we are staying in about my "condition".

The crutches I rented from Yordanos are not the right size, so Tagel will take me in the morning to get some proper sized ones, interestingly enough, at a building supply store ... they specialize in aluminum goods and we know what modern crutches are made of :) This cast is going to put a huge cramp on my activities but "dem dere's da breaks". Melaku came up tonight and we visited after working on his resume for a bit. I told him he could have the guitar while I was away next week if he wanted but he should let me know so he can get it Friday. Metasabya will help me pack up everything I am not taking to Kenya and 2 suitcases, my CPAP machine, and maybe my guitar will stay here during the trip.


Ben J. Abbey said...

Crutches and a CPAP machine, on safari? You belong on Florida.

Unknown said...

Del Boca Vista!!

That blows about the cast :( Hope it doesn't cramp your style too much.