Thursday, December 24, 2009

Finally, a scheme that worked

So I thought I would unlock my BlackBerry 8800 and use my Ethiopian SIM card. I checked with someone at work who suggested where to go to get the unit unlocked, then just this morning the same person emails me telling me that store's customer service is terrible. Unfortunately that seems to be rampant in Addis. So I find a web site, send them some money through PayPal, and a few hours later receive my unlock code. All is well, I now have a BB 8800 instead of the Nokia I have been using and the main attraction for me is the calendar.With that success, I am going to bring the 2 BB 8700r units we have at home back to Addis for Melaku and Dereje if they are interested. They will have to be unlocked as well and hopefully will experience the same success as I did with the 8800.

I will find out later today I think if the Apple computer purchase in Dubai is going to work. I am not working tomorrow as all of a sudden I am gentile and need to celebrate Christmas with Dr. Paul's gang. I will head over there shortly after getting up and not come into the office. I am trying to hunt out Ato Mussa to finalize the rules of engagement for the new contract. My terms involve a trip back to Canada for a week for every 7 weeks worked as well as consulting fee payment to be made on Ethiopian government holidays. I have also suggested inking the startup of the contract to run from February 3 through March 31. Ato Mussa is out this AM and I hope to find him this afternoon.


Shauna said...

You are supposed to be MY Christmas gentile!

Ben J. Abbey said...

Buying a Mac? I bought the 15.4" 2.66 MacBook Pro about a month ago - very slick.

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