Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kenya trip

I left it too long to go to the embassy here and get the Kenya visa. If something were to go wrong like they lose my passport or it takes longer than 10 days, I would not be able to go to Nairobi. The Sweet Thing got hers in Ottawa; I will get mine at the airport. She is making arrangements to get the Fairmont to pick her up at the airport as she gets there 5 hours before me. I am assembling surprises for the Sweet Thing in Kenya and am bursting at the seams with excitement. I hope she is as excited to see as I am to accumulate :)

Spoke with my favourite tennis opponent in the world and he and the wifey/kids are all fine ... affectionately referred to as Bakes by yours truly. Off the MofEteria with the kids for our morning machiato. I have training with Burhan and Hanna at 9 then with a larger group when I return from Yordanos at 3PM.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Kenya - a week and two days away WOW I cant imagine what the surprises are - but I am very excited to see the SB!!!