Friday, October 23, 2009

Merkato money to the max

So many many weeks ago when I first went to merkato, I was fumbling with my knapsack at one point, and I felt a hand go into my left pocket. I slapped the hand and it was removed before the aggressor got anything. Had he succeeded, he would have been the proud owner of a Canadian passport. Since then, for my other trips to merkato, I have kept my mullah in a breast pocket. I decided to make some "merkato money". I went into Powerpoint, got a clipart of a hand with the middle finger stuck up, and printed a few sheets with 10-12 copies of the "bird" on each. I then cut the paper into birr sizes, and rolled them up to look like a wad of cash. I then put a 1-birr note on the outside. Hence ... the birth of merkato money.

Today, I put my money in the inside pocket of my green MEC vest and my merkato money in my left pants pocket. I am walking out of Meskel square, and someone reaches out and grabs my upper right arm very hard. He knew I would use my left hand to wrestle his hand away. Lo and behold, the next time I checked my left pocket, it was empty. F%(& you buddy! That is exactly what merkato money was for and it worked. I had lunch with the kids from work and the first time I asked them if they wanted some merkato money, they all said no. Guess what ... I now have orders for some which I will make next time I'm at work.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

dilemna; do I show this entry to the kids?! Sean will be fascinated, Paddy will worry about his Mikowabby!