Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturdays are always the best

Slept in until the phone rang about 9:30 when Melaku called. I then went to Parisienne for a very nice ferenge-style breakfast with an Ethiopian twinge to it. I then cabbed to Friendship mall on Bole Africa. That was the best mall I had seen yet! I did see some bright yellow t-shirts along the lines of the Olympic jackets I got for us a few weeks ago but they were 550 birr. I will keep looking.

I then walked and walked and walked for over 4 hours, dipping into shops all along the way. It was very nice and each store was an adventure. I ended up at Dembel mall then started the long walk back to the tennis club. I took my walking stick and used it when it seemed my foot was getting tired. I got to the club about 2:45 and was supposed to hook up with a player named Pirko who Hiruy had told me about. Her and I were supposed to meet as she was playing with her husband at 3PM. She did not show up so I came back to Deker and played and played guitar until going for Chinese food.

Tomorrow is action-packed ... tennis with Hiruy at 9AM then Tagel and I are going to the country; he is picking me up at 11. I lost my camera today which is a huge drag. I am very good at copying pictures to my PC so will only lose 4 from today. I just bought a nice Coolpix for my ST in Ottawa to the tune of $230. Tagel mentioned that a replacement here could cost 6,000 birr or $500 USD. As well, it is highly possible that when I get one here it will not be dual voltage. I bought an iron yesterday and it is only 230V. I guess I will call it a travel iron. I have arranged a game with Pirko at 4PM next Thursday. When I see Hiruy tomorrow I will ask him how I reserve a court for that time.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

so domestic, buying an iron...
Mrs. G.