Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunshine sunshine

I must say, when it does shine here, it's amazing. There is not a cloud in the sky, and the mercury is about 18 degrees. I know ST would Love this weather, as I know most Canucks would especially at this time of year as we creep lower and lower all over Canada. I am contacting people in Ottawa regarding contract work for the new year when I am back in Ottawa. I have sent out feelers to MoFED through Tagel to have a 3-month engagement back here in Addis from February 1 through the end of April. But, as is the case at home, nothing is a sure thing until it's a sure thing.

I am having lunch with my star pupils and Tagel today and hope to got to my favourite fish place in merkato. The safari looms ever more high on the horizon with each passing day. I have noticed since the kids started school again, that I see them as young as 7 or 8 years old walking to school unaccompanied on the streets of Addis. Shauna, are Paddy/Sean walking alone now? Off to training ...


Shauna said...

no! It will be our last year anyhow, as Sean will be off on a bus next year, or being driven somewhere... It's when I walk the dog & they relate all the good dirt anyhow!

Jordan said...

Don't you have GPS trackers on the kids?