Monday, October 12, 2009

A trip to the hospital

So the st___d ferenge went to the Yordanis hospital today to get the foot x-rayed. I waited about 90 minutes after registering at the hospital and then saw the doctor. One of the nurses took pity on poor ferenge. After arriving at the hospital I waited in the waiting room for ever. I think I missed their calling my name as I could not understand what they were saying. The doctor listened to what I said then poked the foot and immediately said "metatarsal". Yucchhh!! That's what I broke 3 times in the 70's. I was sent downstairs for an x-ray and handed my requisition to the attendant.

In what seemed an eternity, I finally noticed that people who had arrived after me were being sent into the room. I asked the attendant if he still had my paper and he said yes. Finally my turn came up and when I entered the x-ray room, the technician told me they had called my name many many times. I forgot I was "Miguel" in Addis so missed my calling every time. How ever they ended up pronouncing "Miguel", it was also through a very thick Amharic accent.

I went back to the second floor for a wait of about 30 minutes. The doctor told me the "wound" was not a break and the ligaments/tendons around the bone were bruised and had not properly healed. He told me to do the following:

1) stay off the foot
2) take ibuprofen 4 times daily
3) come to the hospital every day at 2PM for ultrasound on the area

I canceled tennis (duh!) and spoke to Hiruy with the unfortunate news. The doctor mentioned that the 3-5 week period was crucial for this type of wound to heal. I was also told to wear a tensor bandage loosely around the foot. I am now at Blue Drops (the local hangout next to Deker) chowing down on a chicken salad. I will be going to the Hilton with the gang from work tonight for pizza. I will keep using my cane and walking while putting my weight on my heel of the left foot.

The festivities have been intense for my wedding anniversary. The Queen called as did JFK, Freddy Mercury, and Arthur Ashe, wishing us the best in the decades to come. The weirdest thing about my left foot injury is that if most ferenge saw the streets and sidewalks of Addis they would comment something like "no wonder you went over on the side of your foot all of a sudden". The truth of the event is I was walking on close-to-even paving stones and it just happened :) I am working on a song about Ethiopia called The New Flower.


Shauna said...

Your injury is sounding suspiciously just like my ganglian (sp?) cyst. Sometimes it pushes the bone out of position, sometimes not; sometimes it hurts, sometimes not...

Jordan said...

that's crazy!! What was the hospital like? I want to hear the song when you're done . . happy anniversary dad!