Friday, November 20, 2009

In a jam ...

Good news ... I heard from Dora and they are out (I guess for dinner) but they want to jam when they return. I ran into two other guests at Deker downstairs then saw them again at Blue Drops. I told them about the jam at 10PM and they will probably drop in. While at Blue Drops I had chicken stroganoff and asked for soya sauce for the rice. It was a new bottle, which I had the pleasure or opening. I read, out of curiosity, the nutritional information which I could not find, but did notice an expiry date of November 18, 2009, some 2 days ago. It still tasted fine :)

They definitely have a huge soya sauce problem in this country. Often when at Forbidden City, our favourite Chinese hangout in Addis, the soya sauce is fermented. One time I added a whole bunch to a mass of sweet and sour chicken and the like in a rice bowl then could not eat it. I mean to carry around a bottle and did get one from the Dulcian compound. I usually forget it in my office, but the one and only time I remembered to drag it along, I forgot it in the restaurant. I almost made it through lunch today without getting anything on my top :) Uh oh ... the Ileana flag is BRIGHT green.

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