Sunday, August 16, 2009

A good day, but not feeling 100%

This was, in the scheme of things, my roughest day yet. I am not sure what kept me from sleeping last night. It was one of those nights where it seems that you get no sleep whatsoever thought probably got a bit. I felt really fluey this AM but that dissipated by the time we went to Abrahama's house for brunch. He works for Addis Ababa university and we are trying to score some work there. My you know what were acting up and it was comforting to be so close to the facilities.

The apartment was lovely, 2 nice sized bedrooms with a combo living and dining room. There were 4, count 'em 4 people on staff there. Roxanne loved to tease me and Sandy about our staff but nothing like this. Paul managed to lock himself in the bathroom and it looked for a while like he may have to stay there forever. They served Ethiopian flat bread with beef, eggs, rice, and some sort of vegetable whose name I did not catch. After lunch, the food kept coming and coming and coming. Abraham drove everyone home about 2PM. He has 2 children ... we had met Nadi last week at Dr. Paul's and met his almost-infant daughter. The apartment building is affiliated with the university and Abraham pays next to nothing for rent.

When I got back home about 2:15, I slept for 2 hours then the Sweet Thing and I Skyped for a while. It was nice to speak with wife bet (Rona) and it sounds as though my Sweet Thing is keeping busy. I walked down Bole a bit, bought some yogourt, then went to Mera for a 32 birr dinner of vegetarian spaghetti with sparkling water. I stopped at the store and picked up some low-cal chocolate :) for a treat. I really did not feel like eating but I know, unless I could not keep anything down, the last thing I needed was to not take anything in nourishment-wise. I was smart to have eaten and I brought the food I could not eat home. The Ethiopian native expression for a doggy-bag is "take away". We did not end up going to Chinese as planned yesterday so that will be something to look forward to some other time.


Unknown said...


hope you brought some ciprofloxacin with you.

if not, they probably sell it everywhere.

eventually you will get used to the local bugs.


Sandy said...

ST does not like when her SB is not feeling well. Hopefully Chinese food will come soon. I wonder how they do Chinese in Addis? xo

Ben J. Abbey said...

I carry all of my valuables around my body in this whole-torso wallet I have. It's been really useful when going into Mexico and Israel.

Cuz I travel so much.

Michael S. Abbey said...

I would wear that wallet on Wolverton too :)