Sunday, August 30, 2009

On the seventh day I sort of rested.

Sunday has been a good day. I had tennis with Hiruy at 9AM and that was a good workout. I went out for a bite after that and checked out a showtime at Edna mall. There was supposed to be Addis idol there at some time and I had to check when. As it turns out it was scheduled for 3PM. I informed Dr. Paul and we made plans to meet there at 2:30. When eating a late breakfast, 2 street kids started asking me for money. I turned them down and they hovered at the corner at the bottom of the stairs at the restaurant I was eating. I finally decided to give them my left over french fries which they appreciated big time. They smiled and gave me a thumbs up and the fries were gone on no time. This gave me an idea which may end up being new way to deal with street people ... feed them rather than not give them money.

Monday will be a no tennis day as I am experiencing a little discomfort turning my head to the right. Melaku, whom I met again yesterday at Bole 19 tennis is going to be getting me a guitar strap at merkato tomorrow which will be the stand in until I get my Mighty Moe (guitar strap with amplifier inline) hopefully back from ABC Trading Tuesday. Have a safe trip up to Ottawa Joel. JJ do not forget what starts tomorrow ... US Open.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

What's wrong with my SB's head????