Monday, September 28, 2009

T is for Tagel

Naturally, we found a cord for the shaver as well as a battery for my clock. When I gave Tagel the stuff I brought back for him from Canada, he wanted to give me some money. I insisted "no charge" and he was not happy. I then told him the following story:

"Tagel Molla is visiting Mr. Michael in Canada. He returns home for a week and is kind enough to bring me back some stuff from Ethiopia. When he arrives, he gives me the stuff and I ask 'how much'. His response is 'no charge'."

Hence, he was acceptable for receiving the stuff from Canada as a gift. We also went for Chinese at China Bar (twist my arm for Chinese please). Ileana flag is bright green.

Rather than ship the power supply for the Sweet Thing's camera back to her, I bought one on eBay and with shipping it comes to ~$30 CAD which is a much better solution than the Fedex route.

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