Sunday, December 13, 2009

A fine Saturday evening

I hooked up with Melaku about 8:30. He asked if I had eaten and wanted to go for a bite before we went to see a band play. I do not like to ask him if we should have a bite together 'cause I do not like to put him under the pressure of spending the money so I do not ask anymore. We went to an Italian place near the airport we had been to before, and I had a salad. He also ordered a side of potatoes and spinach with garlic that was yummy.

We went to a club called the Bar No-name on Bole Rwanda fo see the German guys that he works with and their 3 vocalists. The music was grinding and ferenge and we stayed for the set then packed it in. Poor Melaku is up daily at 5:30 for church so we never stay late.

I was introduced to Kenny who I have heard is the godfather of live music in Addis. I was told by at least one other person that if I wanted to try to hookup with musicians to jam, Kenny at Harlem jazz is a good place to start. He gave us his cell number and I will get in touch with him. He likes my interest in Steely Dan especially and I spoke with him last night a bit about my other interests including The Band, Beatles, and Stevie Wonder. Would it not be ironic if just over 2 weeks from the end of a 5 month stay I finally managed to hook up with some people to work out with :).

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